Instead of a cloak, he would wear a Bill Blass shirt, a designer tie, or she a sundress, a pair of patent leather stilettos, and cherry red lipstick. They may be college educated, or a high school drop out, age 12 to 65. They are a needy bunch who are looking for recognition, they prey upon the unsuspecting, and the uniformed. They feed upon turmoil and pain like a vulture feeds upon carrion. They
Their whole purpose is to destroy, dismantle, and diffuse. What if....what if...what if they used their brilliant minds to find the cure for cancer, find a way to stop the spread of AIDS, cure hunger in both our country and in third world countries. Wouldn't that be powerful? Wouldn't they be recognized, wouldn't their names go down in history as the person or persons who accomplished something that saved the human race?
I dare you Grim Reaper to achieve the positive-I know you can do it - I know you want to do it - so give it a try.
We are waiting.