I am a Jazz Lover; I cut my teeth on Miles Davis when I was just 16 years old. The first album (yes I said album, not CD) was a Miles Davis goodie by the name of "Miles Ahead". By the time I learned to like miles, I had become a Jazz aficionado.
Prior to Jazz, I listened to Classical while reading Russian novels. I had a thirst for understanding different cultures and their music. However, I found early on Jazz transcends all cultures, all races, and all nationalities- in other words, it is universal. (Something like what we strive to be as Real Estate Professionals)
Another favorite of mine has the same name as the title of this Blog: "Old Sock, New Shoes", by the Jazz Crusaders.

Sometimes as a person, as a woman, as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as a Real Estate professional, I feel like Old Socks, in New Shoes. I am ever changing, ever evolving, running to stay in tune, stay in step, and stay up to date. I have FB friends, I try to Tweet, and want to be Linkedin, but sometimes I have to realize that sometimes those old socks get holes in the toes, and are just plain worn out. However, just like a new pair of shoes make those socks look good, my clients make me feel good when they tell me my job is "well done". I feel like a new person - like a pair of old socks in new shoes.
So let me flip the album over, and start anew tomorrow, I won't give up, or give in, there's a lot of work to be done.
Cynthia Smitherman, ABR, GRI, CDPE, VP AAREB
602 697-4487